Friday, August 26, 2011

You Gotta Start Somewhere

After resisting the Blog addiction for several years I'm doing it now in response to a groundswell of demand from friends and readers of my columns that I make a way to let them know what I'm up to. (Is ten persons a groundswell?)

When I say "blog" I've said everything I know about the subject. Computers intimidate me and the www. scrambles my brain.

Creator and manager of the enterprise is my Arizona friend, former secretary and trusted colleague, pun-junkie Linda Ryan, who is possessed of a sharp mind, a generous spirit, and a touch of masochism.

Items will be posted here as time and inclination come together for me; I have spent enough all-nighters writing on deadline for long-suffering editors to ever again embrace regularity and punctuality.

I think there's a way to send each new post directly to the email inbox of those who request it; a reply note to this post will get you on the list.